During an individual Qigong Therapy session, the client lies fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner holds their hands a few inches above the client’s body. The practitioner assesses the health and balance of qi by scanning the client’s body with their hands. When the scan is complete, the practitioner helps dissolve any blockages and stimulate the free flow of energy. This process is based on the same theory as acupuncture.
This spontaneous Qigong style is governed by your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Qigong addresses your current issues with precision and depth, and leads you to a higher level of health, contentment and balance in a way natural to you. I use my Qigong training and experience to help you find peace on all levels.
At the beginning of the session, you have the option to share any information or concerns with me, and I encourage you to ask all your questions regarding energy work.
At the end of the session, you have the option to share any experiences you had during the session and I will answer any questions you may have. Also, if you desire, I will share what I experienced during the session. Please note that all shared information is voluntary and confidential.People usually report enhanced mental clarity and feel more emotionally balanced after a session.
Session Pricing
Therapy sessions are approximately 1 hour: 40-45 minutes of energy work and 15 minutes to share any information: